Saturday, March 13, 2010

Famly Stuff and a Lil Knitting

So the Hubby said it was time for the 2 year old to get a hair cut. I wasn't so sure. I loved his long hair, but it was getting hard to take care of!!!
So here is the before.......

And the after.........

I was tearing up while the barber was going to town on his long locks. So bitter sweet. He is the 4th child and we will have NO MORE!!!!! So its sad knowing my baby is growing into a little boy. He is now walking around saying "I am handsome boy!" He is right.

The hubby is at a conference this morning so its me and the kids. I wanted to attempt to start socks but NO WAY with the kids running around. That would be crazy!! So I am going to look out at the lake, watch the rain drops and work on the shawl I frogged since I learned I was purling wrong!!!! Feels so awkward now correcting it and really slowing me down. Practice, practice, practice!

Later we are going to see Alice In Wonderland in 3-D. I think I may be more excited than the kids!!! That's okay!!

So what are you into this weekend??


  1. It's been this hard for me each time my boys got their fisrt hair cut too. My oldest had long curly hair before hubby brought out the haircutter... And they looks so much older after their first hair cut ;)

  2. Oh, I was just talking about how I wanted to see Alice in Wonderland! Too bad the nearest movie theater is a 7 hour ferry ride away! Have fun!

  3. Awww - look at the big boy haircut. It killed me, too. But he is now handsome and old women will be pinching his cheeks - watch out!

  4. What a cutie! Love both the long and short hair.

    I've been having a hard time cutting my 4-year-old girl's hair. I suppose I should, but it's so pretty...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's always nice to see new people.
